"A ministry doesn't have to happen in a church...
I think we all can minister to others in this world by being compassionate and caring."
- Mr. Rogers
2018 RECAP
The ALL IN ministry seeks to eliminate barriers that stop those with disabilities from hearing the gospel, and enable our brothers and sisters with disabilities to use their spiritual gifts so that they may share the love of Jesus with each other, the church family, and those who need to hear some good news.
We love to worship God here at Innovation and one of the primary ways we do that each week is with awesome music from our worship team. If you'd like to be a part of the team you can contact Mark for an application.
"The only way you can serve God
on earth is by serving others."
- Rick Warren
Each Sunday after service and at other times throughout the week our clothes closet opens it's doors for anyone who would like to come and "shop" for one completely free bag of slightly used clothing. There is always a need for servants who will come and help organize all of our donations to make the clothing closet a welcoming place for all our guests. Please contact us if you are interested in more information from Aimee, our wonderful Clothing Closet Team Leader.
Every week the Community Food Pantry feeds dozens of families in need right here in our own neighborhoods. There is a lot of work that goes into making this ministry a reality, and we would love to welcome you aboard in any way possible.
Food shipment received, organized, and stored.
General food distribution / restocking.
Please contact Tywana for more information on serving our local community in this amazing ministry.
You can be the first face welcoming guests in the parking lot.
You can be the smile at the door.
You can be the hands that greet them in the lobby.
You can be the feet that guide them into the auditorium.
You can be the arms that embrace them into our family.
There are many different elements to the Hospitality Team, but all of them focus on making out guests feel welcomed and loved. If you're interested in the Hospitality Team please contact our Team Leader, Val.
"We cannot do great things on this earth,
only small things with great love."
- Mother Teresa
There are many ways to serve our incredible kids here at Innovation Church.
Each child is worth a huge investment of time and energy to make sure they grow up within a church family that reflects the love and kindness of Jesus.
Sunday Opportunities (9 & 10:30am)
The Ark: Nursery (newborn-walking) Toddlers (walkers to potty trained)
The Safari: PreSchool (3-5 year)
iMotion (Grades K-6)