
iKidz Kids Ministry
Children matter. We place huge emphasis on creating a safe environment where children of all ages can encounter the love of Jesus. Nursery, Toddlers, PreK, & Elementary programs are available during both Sunday services and on Wednesdays. The kids have several annual activities to take part in, like: Summer Camp, Mega Sports Camp, & Winter Break Away.

Outbreak Youth Ministry
The Outbreak youth team continues to love and care for our preteen and teenagers. We have a passion for this generation to develop their own personal relationships with Jesus. Outbreak meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm for a full night of games, worship, the Word, and small group breakouts! They also have many yearly special events such as: Outbreak Advance, Collide Worship Nights, Summer Camp, and monthly Friend Nights.

Young Adult Ministry
No one can quite define what it is be to a young adult. Somewhere between 18 and 30ish! Our young adults meet once a month on the third Monday of the month at 6:30pm at Pastor John's home. They also gather together for lunch after Sunday's 2nd service regularly.

Innovate Women
The wonderful women of the church gather every third Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. They share light snacks, a time of worship, and a special speaker each month. There is childcare for infants - elementary. The women also run a year long mentoring program and attend an annual conference together.

Innovate Men
The men of Innovation gather monthly over breakfast to share with one another, study the Bible, and pray together. The Men's Breakfast is every third Saturday at 9am.

Community Food Pantry
The Community Food Pantry is located in our office building across the parking lot, and serves those in need in our local community on a weekly basis. They also grow and share produce in the summer months. The Pantry is always looking for volunteers on Monday mornings to help sort our food donations.

Community Clothes Closet
In the upstairs portion of the church we have a whole area dedicated to gently used clothing that we provide to anyone and everyone who can use it. Come, grab a bag, and shop around. Our only goal is to be a blessing to the Pocono community. Open before and after both services and upon request during the week.

Adult Groups & Classes
There are classes and groups for adults happening every Wednesday here at Innovation. Normally there are 3 or 4 at any given time, and anyone can join. Just show up! Past groups have included: membership, book studies, marriage classes, parenting seminars, Financial Peace, and more.