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Innovation is moving its giving over to a new platform called Subsplash.
Subsplash Giving
Why are we switching?
All-in-One Platform
Now our giving, sermons, calendar, and more are all within Subsplash. This makes cost and user interaction more streamlined.
Lower Processing Rates
Subsplash’s innovative GrowCurve offers the industry’s lowest processing rates. We’ll be saving significantly in our first year of use!
Fast & Secure Proces
Not only is Subsplash certified for the highest encryption and security, the process of giving online typically takes less than 1 minute.
I currently give gifts manually through PushPay.If you use the Pushpay app, you can delete it from your mobile device, then through Subsplash, you can give one-time gifts below by clicking the Give Now link.
I have a recurring gift scheduled through PushPay.First, cancel your current recurring gift with PushPay using the steps below: 1 - Visit PushPay as you normally would to make a donation. 2 - Sign in to your PushPay account by clicking on the portrait icon on the top right of your screen. 3 - Under Recurring Gifts, click the edit button next to your recurring gift. 4 - Click the Actions button near the top right of your screen and select Cancel Schedule. (Repeat the last two steps for each recurring gift if you have more than one.) Then, set up your new giving profile with Subsplash, by clicking the Give Now link below.
I give through check and cash.The switch to the Subsplash platform will not impact the way you currently give to Innovation. If you would like to begin giving online, you can click the Give Now link below.
I would like to start giving online.Thank you for taking this next step in your faith! You can give one-time or recurring gifts through the Give Now link below.
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